SAHMRI’s Wardliparingga Aboriginal Health Equity theme is building our nation’s leading research unit focused on understanding, monitoring, responding to and reducing inequity in health and wellbeing among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Wardliparingga's fundamental objective is to create an equitable nation through research that improves the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Our research priorities are informed by community needs and aspirations, and target the leading causes of morbidity and mortality experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Our approaches involve understanding the biological, psychosocial and health system factors of health and wellbeing, and how best to respond to and improve these.
Wardliparingga is a word of the Kaurna people, traditional owners of the Adelaide plains. It means ‘house river place’ and is also the term for the Milky Way reflected in the River Torrens which runs alongside SAHMRI.
A significant component of our theme is the Capacity Development program, comprehensively and adaptively training the next generation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research leaders.